March 10, 2005


Dear Friends,

Today I would like to write about the 2 Oscar winning Movie "Ray". It is, I think one of the best movies I have ever seen!!!!

Jamie Foxx is with one word TREMENDOUS in the movie, he has definitly earned his Oscar. I couldn't believe how good he has been acting his role, I really had the feeling I was seeing Ray Charles himself on the big screen, he must have really worked very hard for this, I am saying it again, he was GREAT!!!!

Talking about the Genius (Ray Charles), he definitly is a genius, I can't believe how superb songs he has written and performed, he definitly had a gift, I always liked him, but, after seeing the movie, I like him even more, I admire him, he passed through very hard obstacles and got to the place he had to be with his own talent. Of course he had weaknesses, but he never gave up, with his ambition and selfesteem he has climbed up the mountain!!!

I think his life is definitly an example to many people, we may have weaknesses and/or unfortunatly disabilities, but we should never give up!!!!

By the way, the music was amazing, I kept singing all the songs I knew in the sinema (I am glad, no one tried to throw me out;)) actually, I wasn't that loud ;)

Well, dear friends, I would highly recommend you this movie, it is real, great actors, superb music, just GREAT:)

Enjoy it!!! Have a nice day ;)

March 08, 2005

8 Mart, 8 Mars, March 8th, 8 Maerz

Sevgili arkadaslar,

Hepinizin kadinlar gununuzu cok kutluyor, sizlere saglikli, mutlu, guzel gunler dilerim:)

Ayirimcilik yapmayalim bari, Beyler, size de saglikli, mutlu, guzel gunler dilerim;)

Cheres amies,

Je vous souhaite toutes un tres joyeux fete de femmes, je vous souhaite toutes une vie en pleine sante, heureuse, de beaux jours:)

Nous voulant pas faire de discrimination, Messieurs, je vous souhaite de meme une vie en pleine sante, heureuse et de beaux jours;)

Dear Friends,

I wish you all a happy women's day, I wish you all a healthy, happy, beautiful days:)

As I don't like discriminations, Gentelmen, I wish you all also healthy, happy, and beautiful days;)

Liebe Freunde,

Ich wuenche euch allen einen Gesunden, Frohlichen und schoenen Frauen Tag, ich wuench euc allen schoene Tage:)

Meine Herren, ich wuench euch auch Gesundes, Froliche and schoene Tage;)