Apres exactement 2 semaines je me retrouve en face de mon ordinateur, c'est dingue comme le temps passe vite!!! La derniere fois que j'ai ecrite, c'etait le jour de mon anniversaire, cela fait donc 2 semaines que j'ai eu mes 28 ans:)) eh oui, on s'approche de la trentaine:)) a etre honnete, cela ne me derange pas, car je ne me sens absolument pas vieille du tout:))
Pour mon anniversaire je me suis preparee une cassette dans laquelle j'ai enregistre un certain nombre de chansons que j'aime, je nomme la cassette "Favorites", comme en general j'enregistre de la radio, elles sont toujours toutes mes favories, mais celle-ci est un peu differente de mes autres cassetes, c'est un melange de chansons des annees 80,90, 00-05!!! et elles font toutes danser:))
Alors, je me suis decidee aujourd'hui de rappeler l'une des ces chansons:) la premiere est de Madonna! en general, elle fait de bonnes chansons, c'est l!une des raisons pourquoi elle est devenue une star mondiale. Le seul album que j'ai c'est "True Blue", je ne suis pas vraiment un grand fan, mais je dois admettre qu'elle a des chansons superbes, dont: Take a bow, Frozen, Tell me, La Isla Bonita, Ray of Light,..., et une autre que j'adore qui date de 1987(si je ne me trompe pas) Open your heart. J'ai decide donc d'ecrire les paroles de cette chanson ce soir.
Bonsoir a tous:))
Tam tamina 2 hafta oldu bilgisayarimin karsisina gecmeyeli, zaman ne kadar da cabuk geciyor!!! En son yazdigim gun, dogum gunumdu, yani 28 yasina girdigim tam 2 hafta oldu:)) evet, otuzuma yaklasiyorum:)) aslinda durust olmam gerekirse bu durum beni hic de rahatsiz etmiyor, cunku kendimi kesinlikle yasli hissetmiyorum:))
Kendime, dogum gunum icin bir kaset doldurdum, icinde belirli bir sayida sevdigim sarkiyi kayidettim, adini"Favorites" koydum, aslinda genelde radyodan cektigim icin, zaten parcalar sevdiklerim oluyor, ama bu kaset biraz farkli, cunku 80leri,90lari, 00-05 de kapsayan tam bir karisim!!! ve hepsi dans ettiriyor:))
Ben de onlardan birini size yazip hatirlatmaya karar verdim:) birincisi Madonna dan! Guzel sarkilar da yapmasi sonucunda, bir dunya stari olmustur. Ben tam bir fanatik sayilmam aslinda, cunku bende bir tek" True Blue" albumu var, ama kesinlikle mukemmel sarkilari da var tabii ki, bunlar mesela: Take a bow, Frozen,Tell me, La Isla Bonita, Ray of light,...ve en cok sevdiklerim arasinda bir de Open your heart var. Ve eger tarihi de dogru hatirliyorsam, 1987 olmali, bugun size bu sarkinin sozlerini yazicagim.
Hepiniz iyi aksamlar:))
Open your heart to me
I see you on the street and you walk on by,
You make me wanna hang my head down and cry,
If you’d gave me half of chance you’ll see,
My desire burning inside of me,
But you choose to look the other way,
I’ve had to work much harder than this
But something I want, don’t try to resist me
Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darling
I give you love if you, you turn the key
I think that you’re afraid to look into my eyes,
You look a little sad boy, I wonder why?
I follow you around but you can’t see
You’re too wrapped yourself to notice
So you choose to look the other way,
But I’ve got something to say
Don’t try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying
You’ve got open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darling
I give you love if you, you turn the key
Open your heart with the key
One is such a lonely number
Open your heart I make you love me
It’s not that hard if you just turn the key
Don’t try to run I can keep up with you
Nothing can stop me from trying
You’ve got open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darling
I give you love if you, you turn the key
Open your heart with the key
Open your heart I make you love me
Eveeeeeeeeeeeeet, bugun 28 yasinda oldum:)) ilginc ama hos bir duygu, 30 a 2 kala;) ama sanirim 82 de olucak olsam, bu benim icimdeki cocugun var olmasini engellemiyecek :) umarim hepimizin icindeki o cocuk her zaman yaşar:))
Bu arada, dun cok sevdigim arkadasim Zeynep'in dogum gunu idi, bugun de, bizim tabirle, kankam Nec'in dogum gunuydu:)) Zeynepcigimi, Nec'i ve esi Ozlemi de kucakliyor, tekrar saglikli guzel yaşlar diliyorum, hersey gonlunuzce olsun:))
Bugune uyucak bir de sarki birakiyorum:) Bryan Adams dan "18 till I die" albumunden ayni adi tasiyan parca (1996)
Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, aujourd'hui je viens d'avoir mes 28 ans:)) c'est un sentiment interessant mais bien quand meme, 2 pas au loin de mes 30 ans;) mais je pense que meme si j'avais 82 ans, cela n'empechera pas l'existence de l'enfant en moi:) j'espere que chacun d'entre nous gardera son cote d'enfant pour toujours:))
Sinon je voudrais souhaiter joyeuse anniversaire a deux autres personnes, l'une est une tres bonne amie a moi, Zeynep, elle a fete son anniversaire hier, et mon pote Nec qui a fete son anniversaire aujourd'hui, j'embrasse Zeynep, Nec et Ozlem son epouse, et je leur souhaite bonheur et sante, que tous vos souhaits se realisent:))
Je vais vous laisser avec une chanson qui ira bien avec aujourd'hui:) C'est de l'album de Bryan Adams "18 till I die", avec la chanson qui porte le meme nom (1996)
Wanna be young for the rest of my life
Never say no, try anything twice
Till the angels come, and ask me to fly
Gonna be 18 till I die, 18 till I die
Can’t live forever,that’s wishful thinking
Who ever said that, must have been drinking
Don’t wannagrow up, I don’t see why
I couldn’t care less if time flies by
18 till I die, gonna be 18 till I die
Ya it sure feels good to be alive
Someday I’ll be 18 going on 55! 18 till I die
Anyway, I just wanna say
Why bother with what happened yesterday
It’s not my style, I live for the minute
If you wanna stay young, get both feet in it
18 till I die
A little bit of this, a little bit of that
A little bit of everything, gotta get on track
İt’s not how you look, it’s what you feel inside
I don’t care when, I don’t need to know why
18 till I die, gonna be 18 till I die
Ya it sure feels good to be alive
Someday I’ll be 18 going on 55! 18 till I die
Ya there is one thing for sure, I’m sure gonna try
Don’t worry about the future
Forget about the past
Gonna have a ball, ya we’re gonna have a blast
Gonna make it last
Sunny Ankara
A lovely Monday afternoon:)) I still can't believe that the sun is shinning, and that in the middle of winter we have 9 degrees:)) I guess my prayers worked! I always dreamt of having a springly winter, but like always, the human being isn't satisfied!!!!(I am talking here about me, but there may be people thinking like me:)) I love rain and snow, but unfortunatly they only happen when it is cold, I have to admit, I miss them...
But still, sun is GREAT;)) so I thought why not leaving you with a classic 60s track Sunny by Bobby Hebb
Sunny,yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
Now that dark days are gone and the bright days are here,my Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny I want you so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the sun shine you gave
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all and now I feel timfy tall
Sunny I want you so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn like wind blown sand,than a rock was formed when we held hands
Sunny I want you so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face
Sunny,thank you thank you for that mean that fulls the place
You are my spark of nature's fire, you're my sweet complete desire
Sunny I want you so true, yes, I love you
Sunny,yesterday all my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really really eased the pain
Now that dark days are gone and the bright days are here, my Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny,I want you so true, I love you, I love you
I felt like writing the whole song:) but unfortunatly, the sun is gone now:( but tomorrow, it will be back:)) I wish you all beautiful sunny healthy great days:))
What goes around comes around
What goes up must come down
Now who's crying desiring to come back to me
It's called karma baby and it goes around
Diary of Alicia Keys,
Alicia Keys
Wacking up the neighbours:))
merhaba:) evet guzel ocak aksami yine gectim bilgisayarimin karsisina ve birseyler yazim dedim, oncelikle, aram teknoloji ile pek iyi olmadigindan henuz maalesef resim yerlestirmek icin programi yukleyemedim, ama bilahare yukleyecegim:))
Onun disinda bu sayfayi nasil renklendirebilirim diye kendi kendime dusunurken, aklima bir iki tane fikir geldi, mesela gunun sozu olabilir dedim, veya belki de o gun dinlemis olabilecegim bir sarkinin bir kac sozu veya nakarati diye dusundum:) hos bir hikaye veya bir fikra bile olabilir, o gun hangisi icimden gelirse :))
Bugun ise bir sarki ile basliyacagim. Bryan Adams hayrani olduguma gore onunla baslamamin uygun olacagini dusundum:) Sectigim sarki onun "Wacking up the Neighbours" (1990-1991) albumunden, sarki ise "Hey honey-I am packing you in";))
Salut:) et me revoila une bonne soiree de janvier en face de mon ordinateur,je me suis dite ecrivons qqs lignes, tout d'abord je voudrais rajouter qqch avant de continuer, n'etant pas tres douee avec la technologie je n'ai malheuresement pas pu encore enregistrer une photo, mais dans les jours a venir (j'espere:))
J'ai recflechi comment je pourrais donner plus de couleur a ma site, j'ai eu qqs idees, je me suis dite par exemple, la citation du jour, ou bien encore qqs paroles d'une chanson que j'aurais ecoutee ou son refrain:) soit une petite histoire ou une blague, ce serai mon mode du jour qui decidera:))
J'ai decide de commencer aujourd'hui avec une chanson. Comme je suis fan de Bryan Adams, de commencer par lui m'a paru plus convenable:) De l'album "Wacking up the neighbours" (1990-1991) la chanson "Hey honey-I am packing you in" ;))
Had enough of your faddy diets
I can't wait for a real good fry up
I'm getting bored of microwave cooking
And you telling me how awful I'm looking
Don't wanna hear how you gotta be thin
Hey honey-I am packing you in!
Thank you:) (written last night re-published this morning:))
It is 20:53 here in Ankara, the second day of my web page:) I am still working on it, if you should have ideas, I am open for them:)
Besides that, I would like thank my brother first of all, because it is thanks to him that I now have a web page ( YEAH;)), the page I always dreamed of ;)) but being bad with technology, I never was able to start one.
In addition to this, I would like to wish him good luck for his exams, he has left three of them behind and still has two to go. GOOD LUCK :)
Last but not least, I would like to thank my friends, and my brother who have written to my page on its start date, it was a great feeling seeing your comments :))
I wish you all a nice evening
Herkese merhaba:)
Web sayfama hosgeldiniz:) artik benden haberleri buradan da alabilirsiniz:)
Yazilar turkce, fransizca, almanca ve ingilizce olucaktir, yani bana istediginiz dilde yazabilirsiniz;))
Hepinize guzel bir gun dilerim:)
Bonjour a tous,
Bienvenu a ma page Web:) a partir de maintenant vous pouvez aussi avoir de mes nouvelles par l'intermediaire de cette page:)
Les ecritures seront en turque, en francais, en allemand et en anglais, vous pouvez danc m'ecrire dans la langue que vous souhaiteriez;))
Je vous souhaite une bonne journee:)
Hallo Freunde,
Wilkommen auf meiner Web page:) ab jetzt konnt ihr meine Neuigkeiten von hier aus auch erfahren.
Die Schriften werden auf turkisch, franzosisch, deutsch und auf englisch sein, also konnt ihr mir in der Sprache schreiben dass ihr gerne mochtet;))
Ich wunche euch einen schonen Tag:)
Hi everybody,
Welcome to my web page:) from now on you can also get my news through this page.
The writings will be in turkish, french, german and english, so you can write in the language you wish to ;))
Have a nice day:)